Wednesday, November 19, 2008


ultimately everyone finds their place in the universe...big or small... rich or poor...thin or fat... :/

Monday, October 20, 2008

You can run.. you cant hide

So we were attending the fourth anniversary celebrations of our Group at Lahari resorts and my team mate was in one of the dance programs (have you observed that we used to spell program as programme during our childhood??? computer age erodes spellings toooo :P) and like every other loyal friend i concentrated only on her dance rather than teh group... (she was the best in teh group of course)... so i got thinking..
whenever we see a dance program (live ) we concentrate only on one person.. the one who is the best in the group and not on teh group as a whole. and even though the best dancer is placed last in the group due to any reason (tallest of all, new comer to the group, partialilty blah blah) people tend to focus their attention on her / him only....
this shows that no matter what happens no matter where you are in the line of display, if you are talented, you are bound to get noticed...
talent can never be ignored or hidden....

i didnt make even one bit of sense, did i?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

General observation

have you ever experienced chemistry so strong between two people that if you are the third person, you may even feel embarassed witnessing this chemistry?

this chemistry is such a wonderful thing... dont you think so?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Life is....

i'm sitting at the wheel
i got a green light
not afraid of nothin' cuz heart and soul
i'm built for life

so let the engine roar
push the pedal down
i want the white lines on the highway
to lead me out of town

i'm rolling on and on
and onwho knows where i'm goin'?
life is an open road - it's the best story never told
it's an endless sky – it's the deepest sea
life is an open road to me
life is an open road to me

got headlightsto guide me
through the night
i got the window down and the radio playing
it makes me feel alive

Yeah life's an open road

life is an open road - it's the best story never told
it's an endless sky – it's the deepest sea
life is an open road to me
life is an open road to me

Yeah life's and open road

Yeah and I'm built for life

Life is an open road to meeeeeeeeeeee

i loveeeeeeeeeeee this song
may be becuase i feel exaclty the same way right now :)

feeble attempt at getting back to blogging :P (COPY PASTE)

Friday, September 05, 2008


so my friend and me were solving this puzzle.. some random alphabets are given and you have to make words out of it.. each word should contain more than four alphabets..
the alphabets given we I, i, e, c,o, n in a circular pattern and V in the middle.. so all the words should have "V" in them...
the rating was as follows:
7 words - average
9 words - good
10 words - outstanding

combined efforts of 15 minutes got us 9 words.. i thought good is OK.. that one word which will make us outstanding will take time to find out...

that is i guess the difference between good and outstanding... time and patience and the zeal to go that one step ahead.. to transform good to outstanding :)

i hope with this post i will start blogging regularly "(fingers crossed)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

So True!!!!

So i was attending this WIN intiative at my office.. Women Initiative Network. obviosuly all female participants. The session waqs held by colleagues / managers who work in the US. And the topcs which were discussed ranged from how to be aggressive at the work place to the variety of fabrics available at Hyderabad.
The speakers had work experience ranging from 5 years to 25 years. the topic of discussion was how does one manage with kids and a career? Wont the career take a back seat when you have kids? atleast till the kids join school? how do you deal with that?

the answer i lovedd was:
we work for almost 40 years. Doesnt it seem more than ok to put your career on hold for some 5 years? It is not even putting it on hold.. More like going slow and enjoying personal life.. it is more like forgoing your promotion for one year to enjoy your promotion in your personal life... once the kids are at school you can catch up with others and get that promotion and a few more

it is sooooooo true... yes we are equally competitive (with respect to men ;) ).. yes we desire recognition and promotion but somehow i really felt what she said was soo true.
after all its just work.. there is much more to life than work isnt it?

may be some women feel this is a losers attitude... but this way happiness is achieved both personally and professionally as well... dont you think?